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CONTAINERS....16oz or 18oz or BOTH... ANY JARS

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OK. So I am having NO LUCK with wicking the 18oz Bulb Jars. So if ANYBODY COULD GIVE ME ANY SUGGESTION ON ANY TYPE JARS 16oz OR 18oz or BOTH, and the wicks that are used, I would really appreciate it. I have a 24 case of bulb jars and can't wick the darn things. So I would like to try another type before I GIVE UP COMPLETELY! :sad2: Oh. I use CB 135.

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Thanks! I have the 16oz wide mouth jars. And I went through HELL finding the correct wick. But I finally had luck with the CD 10. But I really wouldn't mind finding the right wick size using the LX wicks. I LOVE THOSE WICKS! But I have to purchase another sample pack.

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You want a jar that is just about as wide as it is tall. Straight wall is better than curved wall and you often get a curved wall on a wide mouth container, because the rest of the jar narrows back down to a standard size. It doesn't mean you can't use strange looking jars it just means you have to be prepared to buy a wig to cover the hair loss from all that you pull out. KWIM?


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I finally got a break with the 16oz and 18oz. I just got frustrated cause I couldn't find the right size wick..and I am still trying to figure this site out...It takes me forever to find the thread and read a reply.

Up at the top right of the page is thread tools. If you click on it you can subscribe to the thread. You can/should also get email updates on threads you have posted on or started. Not sure if that comes after being a member "x" amount of days or if its in your personal settings. I'd go look at mine but then I'd lose this post. HTH

GL w/wicking.

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