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The cake is a three layer strawberry gm with frosted cupcake frosting and imbeds

The soap is omh using the fo from ky at ah/re

The cupcake is bubblegum

For some reason the layers on the cake have decided to separate and the frosting decided to stay soft. I'm hoping that the cake and the omh will harden up in a couple of weeks and maybe the cake won't totally separate. The soap fairies came to see me when I was finishing the cake and that's a whole other story. Thanks for looking.






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Thanks everyone for the encouragement. Its such a learning process and I guess that's what keeps me motivated. Thank goodness for those of you who provide tutorials and advice that otherwise would keep most of us in the dark about techniques. I hope someday to be as good at the craft as Babs or Irena or Kitn or gosh all of you on the board (Maybe even Scented). Between the Board and Youtube I don't feel so all alone about some of this stuff. Thanks again.


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