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Sunday Show

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I was so excited to do my first show at an Artisan market here. People have been telling me to for years. yesterday was the first one of the season. I am splitting the booth dates with another crafter. I get 7 Sundays and she has 8.

Yesterday was in the 90's and humid...ugh! Thankfully there is electricity so I brought a fan. There were quite a few people come through; but they were not buying. I was 1 of 2 candlemakers and her jars were 4oz jelly jars. So I felt I wasn't competing against her.

A few of the booths there that had really unusual items were selling well; but the majority of us didn't. Not sure why. This market has a reputation of being really great. I do think some people get confused. They hold a Farmers Market there several days during the week. I think people think the Artisans is the same one and can catch it later. I had several asking if I was going to be there today and had to explain the difference.

I only sold $40! And that was towards the end of the show. So I bored and hot all day! I was excited that 3 people stopped by and said they absolutely love my candles and buy them at Tree Huggers all the time (the shop I have them in). at least they are buying somewhere...lol!

I go to the Artisan show again 2 Sundays from now. I hope it is a better day. At least I now do not have to make more stock to get ready.

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That's a shame! Hopefully as the summer progresses the clientel will become more educated about the fact that the weekend is Artisans and not there during the week and sales will pick up. Keep your chin up - it was just the first one, it's bound to get better!

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As a thought, you may want to put a sign on your booth saying what day you will be there next. It may not make a whole lot of difference to some folks, but those planning to come back, or those asking when you will be there next, it may help boost some sales. Just a thought. Hope you do a lot better at the next one.

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2nd time at the Artisan Market. My sales went up! From $40 to $44...woo-hoo! NOT! Debating on whether to try one more date or just forfeit the other 5 dates I have already paid for ($50 total). It is just a mystery to me. I should never have a show below $100!

People just raved about my scents. "unique combinations" "wow really strong scents. not like most handmade candles I smell" "oooohh these are good" etc.

My pricing was 8oz jar $8 or 2/$14, clamshell $4 or 3/$10, votives $2. I don't think that was too bad.

Again there were several who stopped by that said they buy my candles at the Tree Huggers shop. So they didn't buy at the show...despite they are less expensive there.

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