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Crafters Choice Silicone Loaf Mold - Stuck Soap


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I have my trusty little wood loaf mold, but I thought I'd try this silicone mold from Crafters Choice. The first loaf stuck to the side and bottoms and by the time the loaf was released big chunks were missing from it. I unmolded it after 26 hours.

Second batch; I decided to prep the mold with a little mineral oil and leave the soap in the mold a day longer, for 48 hours, but it's STILL stuck. :mad:

What am I doing wrong?

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I've had good luck by adding 1tbsp ppo of Sodium Lactate to the lye solution. The batches I have used it did release much easier from the mold. Not sure if just adding a bit of salt to the lye water will do the same thing. Another thing I have done is put the mold in the freezer for about half an hour or so. That seems to help for the softer batches.

hth - j

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is it like the ones we got in the BB co-op here? if so

What I found with mine, you have to try to burp them, by

pulling the corners & sides in opposite directions, and push on the bottom of the mold gently..

to get it started coming out..you want to try to get some air as far down in the mold as possible,

if your soap is too soft it can stick some.

mine have came out very nice..once i learned the burping trick..

I also gel my soaps..

Also do you use SL? i also tested it, and the recipe that has SL comes out much easier. HTH

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Thanks. I ordered some SL after the first batch got stuck. Of course if I were a patient person I would have waited until it got here before making my second loaf. :grin2:

Both loaves were gelled. I tried burping it but it's still stuck..Think I'll try the freezer for a half hour and see what happens. Thanks again.

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I got silicone molds from the co-op. The first 3 batches went fine but then I made 2 luxury loafs with added softer oils. Those stuck including leaving hunks of the loaf in the mold. Since then I've put salt in the lye water and haven't had any problems. I do have to loosen the sides first, burp the bottom and sometimes give them a couple shakes before they slide out while pushing the bottom (2 lb size). If it happens again, I'll try the freezer method b/c Sodium Lactate makes some people itch so I'm trying not to use it.

HTH and GL

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