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Can you find my website?


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Hello, I have a free website in the making at weebly. I published it just to see if it will show up in searches and I cant find it? I copied the seo thing with google? I'm not to good with computers I guess? Well, here it is: any info on it would be greatly appreciated. betterscents.weebly.com

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I'm coming up with Get Better Scents in most results from Google. I think I picked up your twitter account but don't want to put it on here b/c the one I ran across has a person's full name associated with it.

By typing in the web address in the address bar it does come up.


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yes, weebly said two weeks usually? I guess I'm impatient. I have a few friends that have some co workers that want to see some of my product and I have to keep telling them" you have to use the top toolbar to search" because it's not noticed yet by big search engines yet. I just think it's out of habit that people use whats right there in front of them. The google search bar

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I'm coming up with Get Better Scents in most results from Google. I think I picked up your twitter account but don't want to put it on here b/c the one I ran across has a person's full name associated with it.

By typing in the web address in the address bar it does come up.


that's the only way to find it. I don't really think people use that one though?? and some might not think to use it as well? but anyway i think im just being impatient being it's still under constuction. and yes, that's not me, i dont have twitter

Edited by chris22
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When people I know ask for my website, I just give them my web address. I don't expect them to search for it. Can't you just give your website addy to them? Companies invest a lot of money to make their websites show up on google searches.

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I'm coming up with Get Better Scents in most results from Google. I think I picked up your twitter account but don't want to put it on here b/c the one I ran across has a person's full name associated with it.

By typing in the web address in the address bar it does come up.


I thought for sure the Twitter account was yours. The first name used is similar to yours and it is @BetterScents.

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Hi.. I work in IT/Web services for my full time job and make/sell soaps on the side.

you should always give out your full web address that would start with "http://"

web crawlers (these are programs that populate search engines) take weeks to pick up new websites or even longer. They are large programs that basically index the internet. There is a lot out there to get through! Also if people purchase adversitment space on search engines they also are pushed up to be first or close to first in the search results.

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Hello, thank you for the info. It happened to me again the other day. I got a call saying that he couldnt find my website using the search engines. I explained that you have to use the address bar on top of the screen... I dont think people think to use that one? ever? therefore im not getting found....frustrating!

Hi.. I work in IT/Web services for my full time job and make/sell soaps on the side.

you should always give out your full web address that would start with "http://"

web crawlers (these are programs that populate search engines) take weeks to pick up new websites or even longer. They are large programs that basically index the internet. There is a lot out there to get through! Also if people purchase adversitment space on search engines they also are pushed up to be first or close to first in the search results.

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