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New here, just saying hello

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Hi everyone,

I'm new here and excited to become a member as I have heard that

this is the best forum for learning about making candles, and that is what

I am trying to do.

I have been making cp soaps for over 20 years and hope to be able to be

helpful in that area, but I'm fairly new to candle making and hope to glean

tips for soy candle making.

I have been making candles just for home use, I have no intention of selling

I just want my own to burn. I also enjoy making a candle, its a nice break from

soap making.

I have learned that it is not that easy to make a good candle, I've gone through

many pounds of wax testing wicks etc., and I expect I'll go through more. I still

burn and enjoy my candles even though many of them aren't burning the way they should,

I'm just hoping to get to that day when I do make a candle that burns well, smells great and looks nice. Thanks for all the great posts and info I've been reading!

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Welcome dillydally! There is tons of good info on this forum, like you said, but don't hesitate to ask questions either. Vegetable wax certainly isn't my area of expertise, but there are a lot of members that can help! Again - welcome to the board!

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Welcome DillyDally!! Yep..you've come to the right place. I was thrilled when I found this board. Everyone is so helpful and willing to answer questions you may have. And I'm sure with your soaping experience, you'll be able to help all of us with questions we may have in that area as well. One of the features I found extremely helpful was the search engine...you can spend hours researching. Welcome!!

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Hi and welcome! This is a awesome place you have found! I can only wish I would have known about this site when I started making candles. I could have saved lots of wasted $ and may have actually known what I was doing at first! I have a very good friend who lives in Canada, I wish it wasn't so far away cause I would love to meet her! 20 years of soaping? Wow, that's a long time! Well, I'm sure your gonna love it here. Tons of very knowledgeable people her to help you out!

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Thanks everyone for your welcoming remarks, I've been reading quite a bit about soy wax, wicking and all kinds of

goodies, picking up great new tips and ideas. I'm really trying to get close on my own before I start asking a bunch

of questions, but no doubt I'll be asking for advice at some point.

I know where I have gone wrong and I have also had a couple of those 'eureka' moments when the light bulb goes

on and things make sense. One of my wrongs was choosing 4 jar styles, couple cause I liked the jar, and others were

chosen because of great prices. Trying to figure out wicking 4 jars of different sizes was one of my first blunders, so I've

chosen to work with one jar at time. I'm using c3, its the only wax I've tried so I have no comparison, I do see the difference in

it from eco soy, which is what my sister used when she made candles, but I think I'm going to be happy with what I'm using.

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