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Need help finding a replacement please!


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THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I emailed them and they got back immediately, and sent me this:

Hi Laura,

There is no cost for this service. We need a 1 oz. sample and your

information sent to us. We will send you our version back, typically in 3 -

4 weeks, for your approval/review and once approved, we will add the

fragrance to our website for purchase.

Thank you!!

How awesome is that??? Holly dear, could i get 1 ounce from you? :D

You're so welcome, I hope they can dupe it for you! When I called about the fragrance oils, I also asked about their fragrances with a person's name. (For example: They have an Apple Pie and then an Apple Pie for Missy.) The FO with a name is that person's requested scent, so you are most likely going to get a scent with your name in it too! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE: The CMS called me the other day. They are sending me two bottles of what they have come up with. Joyofsoycandle, I will send you the other bottle when I receive them so you can give an input as well. They said once we are satisfied with the dupe, they will list it in their fragrance list for sale. He also said that each person that sniffed it there had a different opinion. I think he said there were 4 that gave their opinions. He said that it is subjective, which is the case. I look forward to receiving the samples. I will let you know what I think when I get them.

Edited by Holly
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Received the sample dupe today! It is not absolutely dead on but it is very close. I pulled out what I have left of the Scented Beans version and to me, the coffee note is a little stronger than the dupe. The dupe is very close and smells really good...just like the real thing so far out of the bottle. I do not know what other notes are in the Scented Beans Hazelnut Coffee other than Hazelnut and Coffee or the CMS dupe. Once I send Joyofsoycanldle the extra sample she can give her input as well. He said for us to let him know. I need to run a test in a wax melt. It has been so long since I tested the Scented Bean's in a wax melt that it will be hard to compare scent throws. I will make sure the throw is good and get an idea if the scent is close enough. I think maybe the CMS's is slightly sweeter, but like I said very close and smells really good....great coffee fragrance...just like the real thing. It is definitely better than others that I have smelled oob. I am going to go sniff it again. I have it lingering on my nose but not sure if it is TSB or the CMS.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Holly! For some reason I didnt get a notification that you posted this last post! I am doing a small little craft show type thing tomorrow and I had one more Hazelnut Coffee Mug Candle left, was going to take it because it always sells immediately but I thought, no... i am going to keep it so I can smell it next to the sample. =) I am very happy to hear that you think its very close! So, did you smell both of the samples and do you think the same thing about both of them? Do either smell any different?

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Hey Holly! I tried to pm you but it says your inbox is full! Anyway just let me know when you get the new samples, thank you so much for doing this! Hope everything is working out for you!

Hi Laura, I just got the notice saying my box is full. I will go delete some things if case you still need to PM me. I will be calling CMS again on Tuesday and as soon as I get the second sample I will let you know what I think and if it is close enough, I will send you the other sample so you can have an input. You are welcome and I will keep you posted!

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The updated sample was shipped this morning! I will let you know what I think when I receive it. I hope I made the right call.....it needing a stronger coffee note. I have to admit, it is hard to tell what note was off when one does not know all that is in the original. TSB just had more kick to it....smelled more concentrated and I believe had a stronger coffee note.

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