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Got in my fos and here's the oob for them: Chocolate Truffle is amazing and complex, Tassi Lavender is just beautiful, Pumpkin Brulee is nice and strong and very yummy, Polar Express burns my nose hairs and boy is it good, Holly Jolly Christmas is very frasier fir and evergreen with some spice (gonna have to get it in some wax), The non-discoloring Cubano Coffee is so strong and complex, the skin-safe Cinnamon reminds me of a fireball with something else in there (gonna have to soap this one). This is encouraging!


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Thank you for the OOB impressions. I've keep looking at the Chocolate Truffle but haven't ordered. Are you going to soap that one? Would be interested in how you like it. Polar Express sounds like a must-get as well. I haven't soaped Tassi Lavender yet (I really can't stand Lavender) but have used it in bath melts and salts. It's quite popular. A lady soaped it recently and said that was the one fragrance she could smell over all the other soaps. And, the scent sticks. Hopefully it will work well for you.


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Jack I've tried a lot of them in soy. Wonderful oils.

That's awesome! I'm so glad to here that:-) Just what I needed is another supplier. Hehe;-)

I've always loved SS oils and seeing how complex they are. ProudMarineMom(hey there!) has been very kind and given me samples and sniffies recently. So I may be placing an order after the new year.

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Alright I've used these in MP, body butters and soy candles, melts and some in incense and warming oils. I don't do CP soap so I can't tell anything about this. I hope these will help. I have others I've not tested yet though.

Here are the oils I've tried:

Bossa Nova - Look out I'm dancin'! I love this fruity musky goodness. It is great in body butter, soy candles and MP. People love it. I always test oils too in a warmer to see what heat will do to them outside of the product and this one lingered a LONG time. Fruity, citrus, berry but added with the musk...something wonderful just happens. Very very light vanilla. I put this in my hot tub aroma basin and wow...was it nice! Great HT, CT, soy. If you are looking for a fruity with a kick...this is it.

Sweet Pea Rhubarb - floral perfect sweet pea, combined with tart/sweet Rhubarb. You can smell both. Put this in everything and you have a winner. It is the perfect balance of fruit/floral. Floral haters will love this. Fruit haters will love this.

Ambergris & Civet - I bought this to add to perfumes. It is very light in scent but adds the earthy component I was looking for. I've not done anything else with it. Love it as a mixer, musky.

Dragonfruit Acai- Beautiful in all products. Soy it has great hot and cold throw. It has a unique scent, so it is very hard to describe but it is wonderful. Some combos of fruits in here both tart and sweet.

Gingermilk - Yummy...this is exactly like you would think it would smell. Very gingery with a teeny tiny bit of musk. I can detect some spicy notes, not cinnamon and also a tiny bit of vanilla base. Great in everything. Very fresh. Very spa. Would be wonderful in hair products as well as candles.

Lilac - Ahhhhhmazing lilac. True. Strong. I've only used it in melts and candles. I personally love the scent but can't pour it without a mask. Very strong and I have some asthma with it, but it is GOOOOD.

Maharani Padparadscha - In love with this perfumey sexy incensey gorgeous fragrance. Incense, check, wonderful. Perfume, exotic, and lingering. MP gorgeous. Candles amazing. Butters...ahhh. I do love this one very much. This is an earthy, oriental floral, fruit, spicy VERY COMPLEX fragrance. There is nothing out there like it. I chose NOT to rename it.

Patchouli Raspberry - I love this one even more than MW. Strong....lingers in the air. Lasts a long time. I have hippy chicks that love this in products and only buy that. :) Equal amounts of both Raspberry and Patch and I could literally bathe in the stuff. I burn this in my bedroom warmer....very nice.

Peppermint Vanilla - The perfect Candy Cane! I love this one so much. Fresh, strong in everything...energizing!

Pumpkin Brulee - Everyone loves this one. Strong in all products. Not a bakery scent, just lots of yummy brulee and pumpkin with maybe a very light dash of spice....barely. Very deep and complex scent. Not ever smelled anything like this one either out there.

Tassi Lavender - Fresh, clean no medicinal/camphor smell of beautiful lavender. Strong in everything. The perfect lavender. I have access to two lavenders and this is the one I always pick to mix with.

Tuberrose - 3 words. To die for. This scent is absolutely amazing. No it smells nothing like a rose. Perfect as a solifloral as it is or with mixing with other things. There is a smokey resinous beauty to the intensley sweet heady floral, that wows me everytime I sniff the bottle. This one is truly intoxicating....if you haven't any good florals in your lineup. Do this one.

Edited by Lorelei
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I tried in 4627 & with 8%. I had to have done something wrong, too many of you love these! Maybe I burned it off by heating too high. Or could have happened when I melted the 4627 plastic bag in the roaster & used the wax without realizing pieces were in it.

I use 415 also. The Patch/Raspberry is my new favorite, I can't imagine how much better it could be!

Thanks Lorelei!

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I adore it. I wear it as a perfume too! My patch lovers are just gaga over it! I forgot that I use most all of the above in sprays too. I had someone ask me to make spray, shampoo, body butter, perfume, candles and incense in it. Bet you could smell it outside the house. But it is a pretty patch fragrance so that is great!

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Patch alone makes me gag. This is delicious! Once I have the candles down correctly, I want to try making other products besides soap. Thanks for all your info!

Have you tried MWs Lavender Sage? If you have, how do you think it compares to the Tassi Lavender? I'm not a Lavender fan, but it's really, really good!

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Thanks for the reviews, I've been in brain lock and can't seem to find my way into the shop to work. Uggh, got so much back ordered but these fos are supposed to be highly concentrated and only take half as much as regular fos. Has anyone started with the 1/2 oz pp or 6% to test that out? Was the 8% tough on wicking Lorelei?


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